Friday, May 3, 2013

Bleeding Hearts in Bloom!




  1. I love it when you show your bleeding hearts' first blooms each year! We don't see those in TX... :( or lilacs! My Mother grew up in Iowa. When I went bk with my sister a few years ago, we went in May...Mother's Day, my Mom's birthday,etc. I grew up in New Mexico where she cd never get her lilac bush to bloom!Being in Iowa in May, we realized why our Mother had always loved lilac paintings, the color lilac, lilac soap...I had never been anywhere where the scent of lilacs drifted through out the air of a whole town! Granted it was a small town, but everyone had multiple lilac bushes in their yards and growing wild...WONDERFUL. We bought some and placed on her gravesite. Lilacs will never be the same for me! ~Terry Y.

    1. Terry,
      I have always had a dream of hanging my linens in the spring over or near a patch of lilac bushes so the lines would pick up the fragrance. Maybe someday.
      :) Natasha


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