Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 7

My friend Robyn (injoystampin on YouTube) invited viewers to participate in 30 Days of Thankfulness, so you know I had to get on board.

Day 7: Accomplishing - There is nothing like the feeling of getting a task or several done during a busy day.  I make a daily to-do list, both personal goals and work tasks, but rarely do both lists get completed let alone both on the same day.  However, sometimes even getting only a portion done makes me feel accomplished.  Today I am thankful for even getting a few things crossed off my to-do, today the list was intimidating but the stuff that's done is enough to make me smile at the end of the day.  Being thankful over small things can lift you up almost as much as those huge daunting tasks because there always seem to be so many more of the small things.

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